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Partner with us for expanding 2FA / MFA security

Our Targets

 ERP | CRM | HR | Workflow | Securities Trading | e-commerce | HK Developers

  • We welcome software developers to integrate TrustSafe Auth into their systems to address end users concern on security.  

  • For Trading and e-commerce systems, identity verification can be enhanced by 2FA

  • For EPR, HR and CRM systems, it adds an extra layer of protection on confidential and privacy data.

  • For Workflow system,  MFA can be applied on multi users authorization

  • TrustSafe Auth provide Java API for ease of integration.

Your Benefits

Time-to-market | Securer

  • Address to end users security concern and strengthen security of your product in a simpler way

  • Differentiate your solution from competitors by built-in MFA protection.

  • Shorten time-to-market

Partnership Models

OEM | Reseller 

  • OEM - We provide best price to your company.  Your company packages our MFA product as a module of your system

  • Reseller - You sell the product under TrustSafe brand.  Top Level offers you reseller price and you earn the margin.  

Our Edges

Flexible | Better ROI | Simple but Practical 

  • As a local ISV, we can provide more flexible local support and customisation

  • Compared with global bands, investment on our solution is more easy to justify

  • Risk policy engine - Support mix & match authentication methods according to risk level.​

  • Multi-hierarchy administration - Provide end-user self-help portal. ​

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