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Blue Smoke

Product Series

TS Point

Secure Document Management & Sharing System

Highlighted functions and features

  • Encrypt the documents with PKI algorithm

      Strong encryption applied, AES 256 and RSA 2048.


  • Securely share the files with flexible Digital Right Management

    Share files with external parties in a secure and controllable scenario while we can pre-set the time limitation, watermark, as long as prevent document editing, printing, and downloading. 

  • User authentication
    The confidential documents are being encrypted by correspondent authorized user's electronic certificate, which can prevent information from being read by unauthorized individuals. 

  • Access management 

      Define who can access the documents and their access levels. 


  • Short-time implementation

      A web application to add, update, view and share confidential documents.


  • Tailor-made workflow with announce function

      User can easily set up multiple document sharing workflows for different situations. 

  • Versioning 

      Keep copies of documents created overtime. Provide recover function of deleted items for system



  • Audit log

      Keep track of all users’ activities

Use case

Data privacy rights play a key role in the whistleblowing procedures. Organizations need to be careful in handling personal data and report status in every single process. 

An all-rounded, secure communication environment, that prevents information from being read by unauthorized individuals, is essential for sharing sensitive information like whistleblowing. 

TS Point use case
  1. Whistleblower made a Protected Disclosure via the system with the reports and supporting documents. 

  2. Internal Audit & Risk Management team, who will be the Investigation Team, will receive and review the report. 

  3. The report can be partly shared with the internal Legal Team or external lawyers for 2nd opinion while investigating. External lawyers will be distributed the protected and access-controllable reports, which are only allowed to be reviewed and made comments. 

  4. If the report is needed to proceed, the results of the investigation will be escalated to the President Director. 

  5. Management makes the decision on the violation report. 

  6. Reports of the company violation are submitted to the Audit Committee.


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