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Email Compliance Manager

Secure Email Solution


Mail Blockage:

  • For corporation which requires to skip some internal parties for being in the loop of some sensitive emails, TrustSafe® Email Compliance Manager will centrally block illegitimate emails for the target parties.​

  • TrustSafe® Email Compliance Manager will alert corresponding manager(s) for further action in case of non-compliant behaviour occurs.

Mail Channel:

  • For situations in which corporation targets to manipulate email flows without alerting sender(s)/recipient(s)

  • Route those emails to others internal parties

  • Auto copy/forward those emails to other internal parties

Mail Postman:

  • For email accounts like or, TrustSafe® Email Compliance Manager can re-distribute tons of emails under these accounts to right hands in round-robin manner.

Watch List:

  • TrustSafe® Email Compliance Manager can closely monitor email activities of users on "watchlist". Append messages and email log reports of watchlist accounts will be provided for corporation's further action.

Mail Protect:

  • TrustSafe® Email Compliance Manager can safeguard confidential outbound emails by multi-tier protection:

    • Level 1 - Prevent data loss in man-in-the middle attack.

      • Send outbound email attachments in form of a password-protected zip file

    • Level 2 - Prevent malicious / accidental forward of emails to wrong hands.

      • Send outbound emails as a hyperlink

Mail Crypto:

  • TrustSafe® Email Compliance Manager can further secure mail transmission with digital signature and data encryption including attachments.

  • Auto decryption and signature verification down to verification of CRL and trusted CA.

  • Identify emails with outdated / revoked certificates.

Mail Retention:

  • TrustSafe® Email Compliance Manager provides archival and backup for emails.

  • Whether in-bound/outbound emails going to right hands can be traced from records and corporation centrally governs email flow according to corporation's compliance.

System Log & Statistic Reports:

  • TrustSafe® Email Compliance Manager will also provide:

    • Detail processes and system log for mail tracking and trouble shooting.​

    • Regular analysis reports for effective tracking of email transmission of each email account.


  • Customization of email control features and reports can be made to meet the needs of your corporation.

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